this page is place where i write anything about what i feel.. you also can check it on my tumblr to ;)
Atika Dian Permatasari
- note page of adp
- surabaya ., Jawa Timur, Indonesia
- just the way, where i can put all of my sadness and my happiness.. try to read it if you have more time.. thanks ;)
atika dian permatasari's blog
Jumat, 20 Mei 2011
udah hampir setahun bareng temen2 kelas sepuluh lima..
bukan waktu yang singkat supaya kami bisa se akrab dan se asik sekarang ini..
bentar banget rasanya udah mau pencar sama mereka..
apalagi kebanyakan dari mereka pasti tujuannya masuk ipa kan yaa..
aku dari dulu mau ips..
skarang aku bimbang..
ak gk mau kehilangan temen-temenku..
aku sedikit takut kalo di ips ntr aku malah gak punya temen2 yang seasik mereka..
esp. 35692730
aku pengen masuk ipa, karna masih ada kemungkinan sekelas sama temen-temenku..
tapi masa' iya sih, keputusan aku yang udah bulat sejak aku smp itu aku rubah hanya karna gk mau pisah ?
pada akhirnya semuanya pasti pisah..
mau gak mau, kita masing-masing punya jalan hidup kita yang beragam..
toh pada akhirnya entar aku gak mungkin pekerjaan bakal sama juga seperti mereka..
jujur aku berasa mimpi kalo tau tadi itu kelas terakhir bareng di sepuluh lima..
tadi beda banget kayak biasanya..
kita bareng terus sampek jam 2an..
meskipun di kelas kami yang cewek terbentuk jadi beberapa golongan..
tapi aku gk mau pisah..
gak hanya itu, lovelife pertamaku di sma ini juga sama sepuluh lima hehehehe
gak mau rasanya pisah sama kaliaaaaan..
tapi mau gimana lagi..
udah jalan nya kita disuruh pisah kayaknya hehehe..
semoga kita bisa berhasil sesuai dengan tujuan kita masing2 ya teman hehehhehe
Selasa, 17 Mei 2011
you’re the man what i’m waiting for..
i usually wait for your message..
i have tried to be better than before..
i have tried to understand you..
i usually searching for you, when we were losing contact..
i have tried to forget about my prestige..
i have tried to text you first..
i have tried to stop share all about us to the other who don’t have any matter..
i have tried to be your mood buster although not always maybe rarely..
i have tried to never hurt you..
i have tried to keep your heart..
i have tried many things for you. but i’m so sorry. when i can’t do it as well as you thought. sorry for ever make you disappointed with what i’ve done. sorry for any mistakes i have done for you..
thanks for forgive any mistakes i have done to you..
thanks for always understand what i mean..
thanks for your attention for me..
thanks for everything have you given to me..
and the last, thanks for much of love have you given to me :)
missing you
that was so complicated..
when you going to miss someone, and then the topic of conversation will be end..
you should choose..
1. continue the conversation when he try to reply yours too short. maybe like "oh" "hmm", something like that
2. end the conversation. you don't reply their message cause you worried to disturb them.(in your mind, they're badmood)
then i chose the second one..
but see, until now i can't keep my conversation with him. he didn't text me, or say hi first? maybe he won't :)
i just wanna try to do it first, but maybe it will disturb you..
complicated time..
i miss you, but i can't contact you. i'm just your friend. same as the other. i haven't the right to know more about you..
i just can wait.. wait a good thing will happen :)
i always wish everything the best for you, cause i'm still loving you :')Minggu, 15 Mei 2011
waiting time
i was waiting for you..
i thought that you didn’t reply my message..
but i was wrong..
your message was pending, and you didn’t know about it..
you thought that i didn’t reply yours, same as my mind..
when i thought that you didn’t reply mine, then i was looking for you..
i tried to online on my y!m but my status was invisible..
cause you was there..
“should i chat you first, when you ignored my message?”
that was the question on my mind when i thought you didn’t reply mine..
unexpectedly, you chat me first..
then you said that you’ve replied my message..
i really sorry about it..
i was thinking to much negative about you..
but i love you :’)